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Books, movies, ted talks about sustainability

Here you can find list of some books, documentaries and Ted talks if you want to learn more about sustainability and ecology. Books: 1. Eating animals - Jonathan Safran Foer 2. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things - William McDonough & Michael Braungart 3. A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future - David Attenborough 4. On Fire: The Burning Case for a Green New Deal - Naomi Klein 5. Climate Justice: Hope, Resilience, and the Fight for a Sustainable Future - Mary Robinson 6. The Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability – Designing for Abundance - William McDonough & Michael Braungart Documentaries: 1. Seaspiracy (2021) 2. Cowspiracy (2014) 3. RiverBlue (2017) 4. Garbage Island (2008) 5. An Inconvenient truth (2006) 6. Planet Ocean (2012) Ted talks: 1. Olivia Tyler: The Complex Path to Sustainability 2. Alex Steffen: The Route to a Sustainable Future 3. Mike Biddle: We Can Recycle Plastic 4. Tomas Saraceno: Would you live in a floating city in the...
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Tools used in the project

In order to achieve a remarkable result throughout some activities that involve people with a common aim , there have to be implemented some tools that would help in learning and understanding a topic, so that is why some magic tools are important for a project that provides sustainability, too. Furthermore, these are the ones used in our LLLS journey: Firstly, some icebreakers aka activities to get to know each other For example, making a circle with the whole group so each person, one by one, says his/her name and associates it with an animal and a gesture. Another game is the Clock game: the one that help people meet and discuss on a topic for about 3-4 minutes for every hour of a clock (12 meeting per general) Secondly, to start the team-building there is another activity by staying in a circle with eyes closed and trying to take 2 random hands and then untying the formed knot of hands connecting to the nature and learning more about what it means, what everybody is doin...

I CAN DO IT more sustainable

In today’s day and age, learning how to be more sustainable is mandatory in achieving an increased quality of life.          As a consequence of human expansion, our planet is suffering from daily amounts of non-recyclable waste, for example plastic waste, food and water waste, energy waste, compulsive shopping, etc.—           Everything we use and buy has an environmental footprint and consequence. If you would like to put your daily choices under control, it’s time to get informed and take action in order to save the planet, because we only have one.             Also, in case you think individual effort doesn’t cound, let’s rethink this argument.               According to the EPA, the average person in the U.S. produces  4.9 pounds of trash per day , as of 2018. That's equates to about 147 pounds of trash per person per month, or 1,788.5 pounds per year. That's up ...


Before reading this diary it is very important to define some terms about sustainibility, known also as the 4Rs - reuse, renew, reduce and recycle. Every one of them is a bit different and specific in its own way.  Renewing is repairing old things instead of buying new ones. For example fixing the old electronics, sewing up or fixing the clothing. Reusing represents repeated use of components or elements. It's about choosing to reuse the materials rather then throwing them away. We made small flowers from old clothing but with a little bit of imagination and initiative I am sure you could do anything you want. Reducing means decreasing the materials we are using on daily basis. Reducing use of water, car transportation, usage of electricity, leftovers, packages, plastic materials or clothing.  Many people don't know the difference between recycling and separating. Separating stands for dividing waste into plastic, paper and glass. Recycling is making things from materials that...

Organic ferilizer from food waste

Turning food waste into organic fertilizer creates economic and enviromental benefits, which can improve soil health, help reduce erosion and improve water quality.  By composting your unwanted food waste, you are energizing the soil for future plant growth. Organic fertilizer is the best food for the soil, it is a good source of nutrients and mironutrients for the plants which are essential for them to grow.  Even when all actions have been taken to use your wasted food, certain inedible parts will still remain and can be turned into compost to feed and nourish the soil. Like yard waste, food waste scraps can also be composted. What is compost? Compost is created by combining organic waste such as wasted food, yard trimmings and manures, in the right ratios into piles, rows or vessels. You can add bulking agents such as wood chips which will accelerate the brekdown of organic materials. Mature compost is created using high temperatures to destroy pathogens and weed seeds that...

Healthy habits and lifestyle

Try to look at your day. Are you happy with the habits and routines that you have? Healthy habits are always about finding the balance and improving the routine everyday.  DIET When it comes to health, one of the most essential parts is a good and balanced diet. When you pursue that, besides making you feel good, it does have plenty of advantages. It helps with digestion, supports muscles, strenghtens bones, boosts your immune system, lowers the risks of various diseases such as diabetes, cancer or heart disease. A healthy diet should include enough carbs, protein, fat, fibre, vitamins and minerals. We should emphasize and seek fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, meat or alternatives like tofu or other legume products, eggs, nuts and seeds. Really important are portions/amount of the food we eat and also the time when we eat it, so we should definitely be careful about that and keep everything balanced.  EXERCISE Besides a good diet, a really important part of pursuing a h...


While speaking about volounteering we agreed that it would be nice and valuable to do some work in local environment in order to make it nicer. While seeking for needs we found out a story about local wells. There are three wells that local people were using for drinkable water before pluming arrived. After that for some period of time none was taking care about it. A year ago, NGO Pozitiva Samobor started a journey to give those wells former glory. Therefore we decided to put some effort in that story. We took initiative with clear idea of making it cleaner and easier approchable. After collecting appropriate tools we left towards wells. As soon as we arrived a pile of trash was found near by. Half an hour later there was no more :)  Also we cleaned water path so water from spring can float and be nicer to fetch some fantastic natural water. Also surrounding was cleaned from leafs and big stones.  We also cleaned and widened path towards wells, so local citizens can approach ...