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Healthy habits and lifestyle

Try to look at your day. Are you happy with the habits and routines that you have? Healthy habits are always about finding the balance and improving the routine everyday. 


When it comes to health, one of the most essential parts is a good and balanced diet. When you pursue that, besides making you feel good, it does have plenty of advantages. It helps with digestion, supports muscles, strenghtens bones, boosts your immune system, lowers the risks of various diseases such as diabetes, cancer or heart disease. A healthy diet should include enough carbs, protein, fat, fibre, vitamins and minerals. We should emphasize and seek fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, meat or alternatives like tofu or other legume products, eggs, nuts and seeds. Really important are portions/amount of the food we eat and also the time when we eat it, so we should definitely be careful about that and keep everything balanced. 


Besides a good diet, a really important part of pursuing a healthy lifestyle is physical movement. Excercise burns excess fat and releases endorphins that make us cognitively more capable and generally happier. By exercising, we can decrease the risk of various different disieses and health risks. 


While we all know the importance of a good nights rest for our overall mental and physical health,  however something we usually underrate is the importance of other means of regeneration. Things such as massages, saunas and spas help our bodies regenerate after a long days of work, and get us ready for the following morning, so they should not be disregarded.


During the day it is important to stay active. Transportation by foot or by bike can improve your health and at the same time you can be beneficial for the nature. Walking home or in the nature can clean your thoughts and relax your mind. All kind of sports are also very welcome. Running, skiing, cycling,swimming, hiking, climbing, workouting and moving your body should be on your daily schedule. And again, sometimes there is not enough time, but we can't neglecting our body for the wrong reasons. 


Let's move from physical to the mental health. As important as feeling good in your body should be also feeling good in your mind. But one can't exist without the other. So with starting a healthier lifestyle comes also mental happiness. 

But it all needs to start from you and from your initiative to change your life to better. Nobody will control your life if you just don't do it for yourself. 


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