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I CAN DO IT more sustainable

In today’s day and age, learning how to be more sustainable is mandatory in achieving an increased quality of life.

       As a consequence of human expansion, our planet is suffering from daily amounts of non-recyclable waste, for example plastic waste, food and water waste, energy waste, compulsive shopping, etc.—

        Everything we use and buy has an environmental footprint and consequence. If you would like to put your daily choices under control, it’s time to get informed and take action in order to save the planet, because we only have one.

          Also, in case you think individual effort doesn’t cound, let’s rethink this argument.

            According to the EPA, the average person in the U.S. produces 4.9 pounds of trash per day, as of 2018. That's equates to about 147 pounds of trash per person per month, or 1,788.5 pounds per year. That's up from 4.4 pounds per person each day in 2013.

So while a few pounds a day may not seem like a lot, looking at the monthl
y and yearly figures shows just how much impact we all have on the Earth. Even more disheartening, according to Dumpsters, is that a lot of what we throw away is actually recyclable.

      While these numbers may sound devastating, there are things we can do as individuals to make a change.

In our day-to-day life we face small actions that have an impact on the environment and our pockets. 

Almost all activities that happen during our daily lives can be changed into heathy habits and can build a path towards a more sustainable life. 

To make it more easy, we divided it into 3 cathegories : at home, at work and on the streets. 

For example, some small changes you can make at home are switching to LED bulbs which consume less energy than conventional bulbs and you can save up to 225€ per year. 

More than that, if you cook with a lid on you can saves up to 25% of the energy used to cook without a lid. 

You can also save water when taking a shower if you turn the water off when you don’t need it, or when you are brushig your teeth and washing the dishes. 

Another example can be switching the cleaning products to ones that have less chemicals. 

Moreover, you can switch to reusable bags, straws, cups, dishes, water bottles. 

At work, switching to digital documents rather than using paper for single use documents. In 2022 almost everyone has access to internet, and if that is not the case, your workplace should provide it to you. 

Another example can be ordering food from eco-friendly places that use plastic-free packaging rather than using one-time plastic packaging. 

In the streets, you should stop littering because it’s one of the main problems. If you can’t find a trashcan, just put your garbage in your pocket until you find one. 

Also, you can pick up trash when you see it, but if you don’t want to, at least don’t throw it on the ground. 

If you want, from time to time you can gather a small or large group of people to go to the woods or the streets and do something good for the environments, such as cleaning the sourroundings. 

Some other examples could be : 

  • producing your own food, like vegetables and fruits  
  • buying bamboo toothbrush and hairbrush, refillable soaps or solid soaps. 
  • buying local
  • go vegetarian
  • stop supporting fast fashion brands like shein
  • go by foot, bike, public transportation, skateboards
  • plant trees
  • electric cars
  • reducing energy usage, for example unplung cables that you don’t use
  • turn food waste into natural fertilizer


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