One of the most important things in our lives, that we love to underestimate, is our nutrition. Throughout the project we tapped into the basics, as it's something that anyone can simply understand and incorporate into their daily lives. Our bodies are complex biological machines and they need a plethora of various different types of minerals and molecules alike.
For an individual to have a sustainable and nutritious diet, they need to integrate lots of vitamins, minerals and a healthy amount of calories. In our personal opinion, it is always a good idea to replace the overly processed fast food with many veggies and fruits, that you could even grow in your own personal garden! Veggies like cabbage, peppers etc etc, contain lots of vitamin C B and A, that play an essential part in our metabolic processes. Fruits can serve as a great substitution to overly sugared sweets, as they are generally lower in calories, and also bring along many minerals and vitamins. It is important to have a general balance in pH when it comes to our foods, we shouldn't lean too heavily in the Alkaline or Acidic based foods, rather., we should aim towards a balanced diet. If you are the type of person to indulge in fast food, cola, coffee, meat and such, you should consider adding some Alkaline based foods to balance out the pH in your body, foods like kiwi, watermelon, avocado etc etc, will achieve just that! Consuming overly acidic foods for a longer period of time may cause headaches, joylessness and perpetual tiredness, so it's important to take the pH of your diet into consideration.
Everything we ingest is built upon the 3 major pillars of nutrition, which are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Each of the pillars have their own major contributions in our bodies. Proteins are mainly used as a building block for repairing damaged cells, carbohydrates are fast digesting molecules and are important for our immediate source of energy, while on the other hand most fats are used as long term stored energy.
Generally, having a balance of all 3 is considered healthy. You can find proteins and fats in lots of places, mostly in meat, eggs and dairy products, but if being vegetarian/vegan is more your thing, you can always turn to beans and nuts. Carbohydrates are most common and they can be found in fruits and veggies alike.
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