We're on day 2 of activities and I think there is more that awaits us. In the morning we've done some energizers to wake us up. We took a walk in the forest and we've played something called deer and wolves. It was a fascinant moment, for it reminded me of a joyful time in the past. We were discussing about what nature means to us and what we can do to protect it. We were also taught that we have to live more sustainable so as to make our life easier and to be against of wasting resources. Everything is good so far, especially the meals. The staff is nice and my collegues also. I can't wait to learn about gardening 😜. I was obsessed with ecology when I was little, and seeing that we will learn about how to grow your own garden I can only be eager towards it.
In order to achieve a remarkable result throughout some activities that involve people with a common aim , there have to be implemented some tools that would help in learning and understanding a topic, so that is why some magic tools are important for a project that provides sustainability, too. Furthermore, these are the ones used in our LLLS journey: Firstly, some icebreakers aka activities to get to know each other For example, making a circle with the whole group so each person, one by one, says his/her name and associates it with an animal and a gesture. Another game is the Clock game: the one that help people meet and discuss on a topic for about 3-4 minutes for every hour of a clock (12 meeting per general) Secondly, to start the team-building there is another activity by staying in a circle with eyes closed and trying to take 2 random hands and then untying the formed knot of hands connecting to the nature and learning more about what it means, what everybody is doin...
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